New Social Enterprise Offers Services Inspired BY and FOR the Deaf & Hard of Hearing
(Jersey City, NJ) – Building upon its six decade-mission of supporting, training and employing persons with disabilities,
Hudson Community Enterprises (HCE) has launched a new social enterprise inspired by and created for the deaf and
hard of hearing community – DEAFinite Solutions™.
“Not every business, government entity, school or health care organization has the tools to create an environment that
is deaf-friendly,” said Joseph Brown, President of HCE. “Our newest program, DEAFinite Solutions™, offers a multitude of
services that will help you make your work environment, service area, or community event more accessible and
informative to the Deaf community.”
The comprehensive range of services comprises American Sign Language (ASL) interpreting, event planning, ASL content
creation, and personalized support aimed at making your business or organization more accessible and accommodating
to deaf employees and customers.
Daniela Rivera, Vice President of Program Development, says that the services offered through DEAFinite Solutions™
were inspired by the new team at HCE, brought in to focus on the deaf and hard of hearing. “70% of our new staff
members are deaf,” says River. “This new enterprise features services not only inspired by the deaf, but also offered by
the deaf.
“Deaf-created businesses play a vital role in fostering inclusivity and empowerment within the community,” added
Rivera. “They not only provide essential products and services but also serve as beacons of guidance and resources for
businesses seeking to collaborate with the Deaf and hard of hearing. Embracing their expertise and unique perspective
enables us to build a world where communication knows no barriers, and diversity becomes our greatest strength.”
Brown noted that the mission of DEAFinite Solutions™ is unique in New Jersey, and the goal of the enterprise is not only
to make our community’s more deaf-friendly, but also to provide employment opportunities for members of the Deaf
“Within HCE, we now employ 11 members of the Deaf community through DEAFinite Solutions™and the Center for
Employment and Inclusion, as well as through HCE’s long-standing enterprises, such as Electronic Content
Management/scanning services.” said Brown. “Our greatest hope is that other employers and organizations learn that
incorporating members of the Deaf community and persons with disabilities into their business growth plans is
achievable. And we can provide the expertise and tools, as well as the potential pool of employees, to help you meet
your inclusivity goals.”
In addition to DEAFinite Solutions™, HCE also recently launched The Center for Employment and Inclusion for the Deaf
and Hard of Hearing (CEI), which offers a variety of employment-related support services and career opportunities.
Services for the deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind, blind and low-vision individuals include vocational assessments, pre-
employment transition services (ages 14-21), and an array of services to prepare individuals for employment through job
readiness, coaching, placement and retention programs.
If you are interested in learning more about the services offered through DEAFinite Solutions™, please visit our website
at www.deafinitesolutions.works or email deafinitesolutions@hce.works
All press inquiries should be directed to Nikki Ouellette at 908-783-2410 or nouellette@hce.works
About Hudson Community Enterprises:
Hudson Community Enterprises (HCE) is a not-for-profit that has been providing training and employment opportunities
for persons with disabilities for over 60 years. In addition to the services now offered through DEAFinite Solutions™, HCE
also operates five social enterprises, including building maintenance services, Electronic Content Management
(ECM)/document scanning, document shredding, digital printing and packaging and fulfillment. Each of these businesses
employs persons with disabilities, many of whom have been provided workforce development/training and vocational
rehabilitation through HCE.